أعلن عن شيء هنا

Setting up Shop in a New Location - Los Angeles

We relocated to a new location in Central Los Angeles and are setting up the shop for business. However, it looks like it will take a bit longer than anticipated to get everything in place.  As a result, the shop reopening is being delayed till April 15th.  If we are able to get everything in place before then, we will send out an email blast with that information.  

I grew up in Los Angeles, and moving back has been incredibly interesting.  The city has evolved in many ways. The various waves of emigration created a mezcla, in foods, cultures and marriages between many different groups of people. Inherent in that overlap between cultures is the creation of new and complex connections.  

I'm excited to see how these new and old influences will add to the richness of my work as it unfolds in this context. 

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